Doctor Appoinment System
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Blood is universally recognized as the most precious element that sustains life. It saves innumerable lives across the world in a variety of conditions. The need for blood is great - on any given day, approximately 39,000 units of Red Blood Cells are needed. More than 29 million units of blood components are transfused every year. Donate Blood Despite the increase in the number of donors, blood remains in short supply during emergencies, mainly attributed to the lack of information and accessibility. We positively believe this tool can overcome most of these challenges by effectively connecting the blood donors with the blood recipients.

Finds Doctors from anywhere anytime!

We're keeping a close eye on the situation as it evolves, sharing information and offering support where we can. We've created this page to share everything we know so far and what it may mean for you. Get all the essential details related to the patient before their visit and save your time. Be a part of the Digital world by maintaining all the medical records online and manage your patient efficiently. At Sri Balaji Nursing Home, we use secure servers to make sure your information is properly protected. Under the Data Protection Laws, there are some rules when it comes to privacy and medical records.

Doctors Appoinment...?

    Booking an appointment with Sri Balaji Nursing Home only takes a minute. Simply login via your computer or device, find a time that works for you and book your appointment the same day.